Welcome to Prudential Market.

Why Prudential Market: 

In short we developed Prudential Market to help merchants self market themselves, and interact with consumers, as well as protect consumers.   

Terms, "Prudential", to provide professional advisement, and "Market", a place to buy, sell, and trade goods and services; together these terms form our corporate goals; to offer goods and services to consumers backed by professional advisement.

Our Promotional Campaign Schedule:

January; New Year New Me

Promotion Objective; looking to promote personal wellbeing and growth through content that improves ones health, knowledge and skills 

Example product focus to include: Personal Care, Publications, Sport Fitness & training, Hobby & Craft, Home Hardware and kitchenware equipment

February:  Family is Key

Promotion Objective; looking promote family wellbeing and growth through content that improves overall family health and time together 

Estimated product focus to include: board games, celebration supplies, home furnishings, nursery, and home safety

March:  Youth Sports

Promotion Objective; looking to promote youth participation in community organized sports activities

Estimated product focus to include: Sporting goods, and Celebration supplies

April:  Environmental Preservation

April: Environmental Conservation

Promotional Objective; looking to promote environmental protection and conservation

Estimated product focus to include: high efficiency electrical devices, Hardware, Home Gardening, and Home Utility and Storage 

May: Spring Parenting

Promotional Objective; looking to promote pet adoption and parenting

Estimated product focus on pet supplies and knowledge

June - Travel and Hospitality

Promotional Objective; Travel and cultural experience is good for the soul

Estimated product focus on travel essentials like luggage and travel accessories along with travel publications and maps

July - Heritage Month

Promotional Objective; to promote with local cultural groups and ethnical organizations

Estimated product focus on culturally recognizable content like apparel, art and culinary content 

August - Summer Clearance

Promotional Objective; Youth Summer Skills Programs plus help vendors move end of summer stock

Estimated product focus on apparel, sporting goods, and other seasonal products

September: Back to School

Promotional Objective; Benefits of continued education for all ages

Estimated product focus on apparel, art, digital devices, and stationary for back to school

October: Creative and Artistic Expression

Promotional Objective; to promote participation and development of creative skills and artistic expression

Estimated product focus on apparel (costumes), Arts and Crafts, Digital Devices, Toys and Musical Instruments

November* - Honor Our Hero's

Promotional Objective; Remembering those who have served their country with the upmost integrity

Estimated product focus on All Marketplace Items, Apparel, Arts, Celebration Supplies, Furnishings, Publications, Sporting Goods, Tools, Toys, Vehicle Supplies, and Musical Instruments

December* - ERRS (Emergency Response and Rescue Services)

Promotional Objective; Honor Emergency Response and Rescue Services

Estimated product focus on Hardware, Home and Office Safety, Utility Storage, Publications, Tools, and Toys 

All of Prudential Market Campaign's will begin on the 8th of each month, and end on the 7th

*November and December are specific driven campaigns that operate modified from the other ten; these campaigns focus reward to vet & soldier programs, or emergency response and rescue programs as scheduled.  

All of Prudential Market's campaigns operate to give back to communities in a very unique set of ways:

The 1% Stakeholder Pool

the 1% Stakeholder Pool; this pool grows as campaign items are tendered through Prudential Markets checkout; each sale adds 1% of its sale value to the stakeholders pool.  Stakeholders become stakeholders with rights to proper portion claim of campaign pool by matter of vested nomination; this is executed by Prudential Market Sponsor's as they assist with the above mentioned campaigns; they volunteer services for us and name a non-for-profit registered entity, doing business in Canada as their vested stakeholder; every Sponsor assisting gets to cast this nomination for every vested task they are appointed to make.  At the end of each campaign, all nominations represent even claim; and stakeholder pool will be distributed evenly across all claims; values not easily divisible by claim number will remain in pool for following feature campaign.  Only registered non-for-profit entities will qualify, charitable and for profit organization or individual beneficiaries will not.

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